Honey is one of the most commonly used pantry items in every house, and also, a large number of people only use honey as a sweet and healthy alternative to sugar and real honey is beneficial for health but real honey is expensive. So, there are so many fake alternatives, and some people don’t even know that they’re using fake honey all their lives.
There is no rocket science involved in identifying real honey among the fake ones. If you’re buying your honey from a bee farm or beekeeper, you probably get the real thing, but everyone doesn’t have access to a bee farm. Keep reading, and we’ll tell you the easiest and simplest methods of checking actual n fake honey.
There are several methods to detect natural honey, and some of these methods are super easy. Even a child could do these methods:
You can test the natural honey by just using regular tap water. Honey does not readily dissolve in water. Drop a teaspoon into a glass of water and watch it settle to the bottom of the glass. On the other hand, fake honey easily dissolves in water. It is affected if your store-bought honey can easily dissolve in water without mixing it.
The microwave or heating test is another excellent method to recognize fake honey. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of your honey in the microwave for high heath for a few seconds. You immediately see the fake honey foaming up, and on the other hand, the real honey won’t foam or bubble up. Natural honey caramelizes on high heat.
The bread test is a unique way to check your honey, spread an even layer of your honey on a slice of bread, and you’ll notice if the bread slice got soggy and moist. The honey probably is fake. The natural honey won’t wet your bread; instead, the bread will become crunchy where the honey is applied due to its crystallization effect.
You can also check your honey on a piece of paper, towel, or napkin by dropping a few drops on the paper. The droplet won’t get soaked up by the paper or towel if the honey is real. On the other hand, the fake honey immediately soaked up.
Like the heating test, if you drop a few drops of honey into a glass of vinegar. The fake one will immediately foam up.
Natural honey is way thicker and vicious as compared to artificial honey, you do a test by dropping a few drops on your thumb, and if the drop of honey stays in its place and doesn’t spill or spread out, the honey is natural. On the other hand, fake honey droplets won’t remain intact and immediately spread out.
The crystallization test requires storing the honey for a few days or months, and if the honey gets thicker in the meantime, the honey is 100% real. The thickness process occurred due to the special enzymes. One of these enzymes, glucose oxidase, helps remove any water from the honey.
The ingredient test is the easiest method to check the purity of the honey. You don’t even need to run any test; read the label of your store-bought honey. Natural honey doesn’t need many ingredients or preservatives. If the honey has any extra ingredients, the honey probably is fake, artificial, or not 100% real.
Always get your honey from the authorized honey supplier and check the honey before consuming it by these simple and easy honey-checking methods.
You can quickly identify natural and fake honey from the following methods. Real honey is 1000% time better than fake or artificial one. Artificial honey doesn’t contain any health benefits; instead, the fake one isn’t good for health, especially for a diabetic person, because it contains sugar and artificial sweeteners.